Friday, April 15, 2011

Four Christmases

This movie is on, sometimes it takes family to show you what you really want in life. They spent three years barley knowing one another and not knowing one anotehrs families, one christmas for family meetings changed there views on it all.

The Wronged Man

A man spends 20 years in Prison for a charge that he didn't commit. He was accused of rapping a child. Well a women who was rapped as a child, took on his case, and spent 20 years trying to get the court to even take the case to trial, it was denied many times, but when a DNA test proved it wasn't him, the judge allowed it to be approved, and he was sent free after his wife left him and remarried.

Down with love

This movie is about how easy it is to fall in love and to trick people. This women lives a fake life, jsut to trick her ex boss into loving her, and it worked, while he was trying to trick her into loving him when she already did. :)

Hide and Seek

This movie is DEFINATLY that things are not what they appear, This dads wife "Murders" Her self. The daughter gets an imaginary friend, but it turns out it was an evil side of her dad, he thought she was ill and crazy, but it was his wifes suicide that drove him to be crazy. Then he dies, and the girl draws a picture of her with two heads, so now she is the crazy one.

Montana Sky

This movie is on how things are not always what it seems, One mans death is anothers riches. This movie is about three sister who have never met taking care of a farm living on it for a year, so that they get their share of it, and they have two serious problems, Lilly (one of the sisters) Ex-husbands and a murderer, Over all this movie is good. :)

Feast of love!

This book, is about couples, and love, faith, and learning. This shows us that good deeds do not go un-noticed, that everything happens for a reason, for even though she knew her man was going to die she stood by him got pregnant found a house, got married, and when he died, their friends took her in as their daughter. This shows you that life is full of things that may not seem fair, but it makes you who you are. Like the old man said When life gives you lemons you can either make a sour face or make lemonade, he also said jump, but jump with your eyes open. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sherry Baby

This film is about a young mom, who lost her kid, well her brother is raising her, and she ended up in jail. She had been hooked on drugs and sex since age 16. She finally got out and wasn't ready to grow up yet wanted her child. She wanted to clean up. She just wasn't making it happen. In the end though she grows up some, and her brother agrees to help her.

Lesson- You always have family, don't get mixed in with drugs and sex and drinking, it can ruin your life, and one day you may have everything, but then the next it can all be gone.

Jeff Dunham arguing with myself

This movie is just for laughs, I mean you have Five pupets, you have Peanut whos just retarded, Walter the old grouch, Bubba j the drunk, Sweet daddy D the pimp and Jose Jalapeno the pepper on a stick. haha. This is a comedy.

No lesson, but advice, its good to smile and laugh, enjoy life!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wedding Date

Its about how lies hurt, and secrets too. This girl had feels for her ex, fell for her paid bf, and found out, her ex slept with her sister, I mean thats low!

Lesson- Don't lie! don't cheat! Don't hide it! just be honest!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Divine secrets of the Ya-Ya sisterhood!

This movie is about how a childs view is not the same as the parents.... That sometimes things are not always what they appear.... Though her and her mother weren't close nor was she there for her, it wasn't at all what she thought it was...

The lesson is to be honest, and make sure your kids understand, and  make sure your close with them, for one day they will be grown and gone, you won't have them anymore, and you will wish you had done more to change your relationship with them... So do what you can now, before the deed is done.

My sisters Keeper

This movie is about an 11 year old who has no say in what is done to her body, it is there to be used to save her sister who is 15 and has cancer. Her 15 year old sister and herself are unheard by there mother and what they wish. Its a rather sad movie, but with good meaning.

The lesson here is to listen to your kids. Do not put one before the other. Yes it is important to do anything to protect your child, but not at the risk of your other kids. Listen to them, even if there young, they may understand more then you know and realize. Ask them what they want, do not have favoritism, and think yo know whats best, for sometimes its just best to sit back and let them chose who they are. It is after all there life, there body, there count down on life.